
An overview of my skillset, services and expert knowledge.

React is part of my daily job, I’m working with this Javascript framework since three years. I've experience of setting up architecture and maintaining Single Page Applications for E-Commerce, Finance and many more apps.


Problems with your website? Problems with the frontend architecture? Problems with performance? Problems with Google tools? I analyse your application and give you possibilities for improvements.


If you need help with your WordPress setup, I’m your guy. Experience with theme, plugin and custom WordPress development. Furthermore I can also give support with security, performance and headless solutions.


Currently Next.js is the latest sh**, I've experience with this React based framework and know how to setup a state-of-the-project. Also I can help to connect your app with GraphQL, CMS integrations (Strapi, Wordpress, Storyblok, etc.) or Designsystems (Tailwindcss, CSS Modules).